Sunday, October 28, 2012

My first alive thing cake

I've always said I won't make a cake of something that is alive, you know - like a baby cake, or a dog cake, or a squirrel cake... the idea of cutting into it and eating it freaks me out, ya know...? But when I got the request for a Horse cake, something about it intrigued me, so I gave it a shot.

Saffeen, for Kerri. 

Another view of Kerri's Horse Cake.

Kerri and her real Saffeen. =)  Photos by Weiss on Location Photography... Check out their work here:
Just please don't make any Godfather jokes....

Golly I love my sweet life!!

Saturday, October 27, 2012


Hi, My name is EJ and I am a procrastinator. No, really... it's bad. Here's a quick, easy, and cheap decoration idea....

Spider Web Rug (or table runner)...

Cut some felt.
Draw with chalk.
Draw more with chalk.

Draw a bunch with chalk.
That's a lot of chalk drawing.
Pull out your paint and stuff.
Paint over the chalk.

Paint over more chalk.
That's a lot of chalk painting.
Cut the ends. 
All of em. On both short sides.
And double knot pairs of strips together.
Find some sticky floor mat stuff.
Put it on the floor.
Put the rug on the sticky stuff.

Kinda cool, huh?

I love this sweet life... =)

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Minecraft. A ten year old boy's dream cake.

I have always enjoyed building. When I was small, I loved building with colored wooden blocks, lincoln logs,  legos... as I got older, I even learned some carpentry and built my very own piece of furniture. I still enjoy sitting around on the floor with a big bucket of lego duplos and a few preschoolers, or sitting at the table with my kids and a lego building kit. I build teams of people, I build relationships, I even build in my bakery, stacking tier upon tier of cake. I've done all sorts of building, but nothing like the work of some of these ten-year-old boys who build in the virtual world of Minecraft. Pixel-by-pixel, block-by-block, these kids (and sometimes kids at heart...) build amazing worlds. If you're not familiar with Minecraft, check this out and prepare to be amazed...

Then, check out these birthday cakes I've made for some pretty cool ten-year-old (give or take...) boys.

A close-up of Ryan's personal house cake. I hope that zombie in the corner doesn't get Ryan's sheep.

At night, the monsters come out... A giant spider on top of the house, and a Creeper trying to get to land. Mr. Creeper doesn't look very happy.

Here's Steve. For Nick. Steve has the very desirable blue diamond pick-axe... it makes mining much easier. Or so I hear...

I love to build, but never could have guessed that I'd be building cakes out of pixels.... every day is something new....!

I sure do love this sweet life.
=)   EJ

Monday, October 15, 2012

Balls, Balls, More Balls...

I don't pretend to understand sports... actually, I do understand sports I just can't get into them, so I pretend not to understand sports. My whole family, on the other hand... they're all fans. Of all sorts. So to support their love for all things sports, I make them edible balls, and lots of them. 

Connor's birthday cake(s) - a life size football, baseball, and the birthday boy's own personal hockey puck. Yum... Ball cakes.

 And some sugar cookie ball favors. Have you ever tried to draw the detail shapes of a soccer ball on something flat? It's not easy... sure does look cool, though. 
Ball cookies... Yum.

It took him a while to figure out what it was, but as soon as he realized it was full of tasty goodness, it didn't take long for him to demolish his cake. Hey, they're not called smash cakes for nothing.
Usually calling a treat a "hockey puck" isn't a good thing. This time, however... 

I can even personalize your balls. 
I'm cracking myself up over here... probably a good thing I'm out of ball photos.
Except for these, of course...

I love this sweet life.

Friday, October 12, 2012

There's Always Next Year...

October baseball in Chicago...? Not in 2012... but tried and true Cubs fans never lose hope, and if you ask 'em how they feel about their season ending, you'll get a lot of the same answer... "There's always next year."

Chicago Cubs themed gift basket, to soothe the pain of losing yet again.

At least we've got Wrigley Field... Here, eat it!

What a fantastic sign outside the historic ballpark! This one's made of fondant.

 Hand decorated sugar cookies.

I don't mind losing... as long as the Cardinals don't win!!

I love this sweet life.

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Autumn Cookie Goodness

Boy, oh boy do I love autumn. I know lots of people say that, but really... I Love Autumn. The chill in the air, the beauty of the leaves changing, the wonderful smells that seem to abound, the anticipation of looming holidays... I. Love. Autumn. So much so that I can't help but put my love for all things autumn into edible form... here is a sampling of some autumn themed cookies.

Golly, do I love my sweet life.

Saturday, October 6, 2012

Canon Camera Cakes

Here's another tough little question... which one of these should we eat?? One's a camera, one's a cake... but which is which??

It's a little easier to tell the difference with this one... Grandma Joan loves pink and loves photography, so her daughter wanted to combine her two favorite things and give her a special cake for her birthday.

A top-view of Kevin's Canon 5D MarkIII Cake. (This is the one you eat, in case you still weren't sure)

Any Nikon users out there...?

I love this sweet life!

Friday, October 5, 2012

A Marvel-ous Birthday

So many superheroes, how do you choose just one? Well, obviously... you shouldn't!!

Happy Birthday Matthew!!

Spidey's web continued around to the back of the cake

Iron Man


 Captain America

Mom was pleased... =)

I love this sweet life.....
EJ's Delightrul Delicacies

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

A Very Hungry Caterpillar, by Eric Carle. The Baby Shower Cake.

"One Sunday morning, the sun came up and - pop! - out of the egg came a tiny and very hungry caterpillar... 

"He started to look for some food...

"On Monday he ate through one apple, but he was still hungry...

" ... On Friday he ate through five oranges, but he was still hungry...

"... On Saturday, he ate through one piece of chocolate cake, one ice-cream cone, one pickle, one slice of Swiss cheese, one slice of salami, one lollipop, one piece of cherry pie, one sausage, one cupcake, and one slice of watermelon... That night he had a stomachache!

“... He built a small house, called a cocoon, around himself. He stayed inside for more than two weeks. Then he nibbled a hole in the cocoon, pushed his way out and...

He was a beautiful butterfly!” 

 A Very Hungry Caterpillar, by Eric Carle.

The Baby Shower Cake.

All design elements were hand painted in a watercolor style, to match the style from the beautiful childrens' book. The butterfly topper was a sugar cookie.